100% pure zaddy! Cam model, genius, humanitarian and more. New content will be coming when I feel the time is right. Got beefier (naturally!) since my videos and looking to get shredded before the year (2023) is done. Stay tuned.
==== UPDATE ====
JAN 15 2024
Ripped is relative, but I'm gaining a lot of muscle now that I've decided to train my whole body to be strong without worrying about weight gain. I weigh 212 lbs at present, but feel the lightest I've felt in a long time. And, yes, some might argue that my body looks more sexually arousing than before as well.
CTMU reality theory (Be warned, the internet is full of misinformation about this profound intellectual achievement and its author).
Rock climbing.
Helping people.
Sticking giant dildos up my ass for pleasure and profit.
Being watched. Making girls cum. Fucking in nature. Fucking good girls. Fucking curvy girls, especially fit-thick ones. Girls who can dance. Creating and exploring fantasies with others.
Mean women who only care about themselves. Really awful females couldn't pay me enough to finger-bang their worthless cunts now matter how attractive their appearances. Don't be one of those.