I adore every aspect of the feminine essence. Women are the greatest works of art.....body, mind, and spirit.....that the Universe has ever created.
It's not just a hand job. The feminine touch is a legendary phenomenon, and a woman can do so many varied and specific things with her hands that will drive her man insane with the molten heat of primal lust, as she manipulates his body, mind, and heart with the loving intimacy of purposeful, generous, hyper-intense pleasure…..culminating in a passionate release that is spiritually altering in nature. A woman's pussy is the gateway to the world of wonder for the female. It is the channel whereby you can stimulate her body, overwhelm her mind, and flood her heart with the intimacy of love. My favorite way of doing this is by going down on my lover. You can bring her earth-moving pleasure with your fingers and mouth, you immerse yourself completely in the intimate experience by engaging all five of your senses, and it is the ultimate act of union for the male by swallowing her juices, and literally making her a part of you. And the most iconic physical representation of nurturing femininity are her breasts.