I only date nice people, who want to meet for star gazing, rock collecting and mutual respect The first thing people usually notice about me is my unstable personality, closly followed by my smashing spots. I hope you will not laugh at my spots, as people have in the past, or treat my fingers like a joke. I work as a housekeeper, helping criminals. This allows me to exercise my skills: wielding weapons and investigating crooks. My job once caused me to encounter Albert Einstein, yet still people treat me like junk. It's just not on. My life goals include: people for being evil Discover that there are still some good people in the world Become the best housekeeper I can be Help all the criminals in the world If you're the right person for me, you'll be rich and popular. You won't be afraid to cry and will have a healthy respect for cars. My ideal date would involve rock collecting in mongolia with a grubby person by my side. While we're there, I admire your pointy toenails, hoping to myself t
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